Is Vmfxx Fdic Insured

Is Vmfxx Fdic Insured

No, Vmfxx (Vanguard Federal Money Market Fund) is not FDIC insured. An investment in this fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or any other government agency. It’s important to note that FDIC insurance typically covers deposits in banks and savings associations, not investments in money market funds like … Read more

VMFXX 7 Day Yield

VMFXX 7 Day Yield

The 7-day yield of VMFXX, Vanguard Federal Money Market Fund, is currently 5.29% as of 11/13/2023 [1]. This metric is a method for estimating the annualized yield of a money market fund, calculated by taking the net difference of the price today and is useful for investors to assess the fund’s performance over a short … Read more